Waldforschung: Offener Zugang

Waldforschung: Offener Zugang
Offener Zugang

ISSN: 2168-9776


A Comparative Wood Anatomy of 15 Woody Species in North-eastern Mexico

Maiti R, Rodriguez HG, Para AC, CH Aruna Kumari, Sarkar NC

A preliminary study has been undertaken on wood anatomy of 15 woody species in northeast mexico. There exists large variation among species in wood anatomical traits such as porosity, vessel diameter, its distribution, parenchyma, compactness of ground tissues and fibre cell characteristics. Most of the species are ring to semiring porous viz. Acacia amentacea, Acacia berlandieri, Acacia shaffneri, Acacia wrightii, and only few of them are diffuse porous viz. Diospyros palmeri, Diospyros texana. Fibre cell characteristics also showed large variations in morphology, size, lumen breadth and in compactness. Most of the species have narrow vessels, viz., Acacia berlandieri, Acacia shaffneri, Acacia wrightii, Helietta parviflora, and others, while Celtis laevigata and Caesalpinia mexicana possessed big sized vessels. Many of the species having narrow vessels are expected to protect the vessels against cavitation during drought and freezing as reported in the literature. Narrow vessels are adaptive traits in xeric habitats. All these wood anatomical traits could be utilized to distinguish species as well as quality determinations of species. The variation in hydraulic systems determine the capacity of water transport among species.
