Fortschritte im Automobilbau

Fortschritte im Automobilbau
Offener Zugang

ISSN: 2167-7670


A study on the impact of scheduled preventive maintenance on the overall service life and reduction of downtime of critical mobile oilfield equipment

Dipankar Deka

Exploration and production of Oil and Gas is a very challenging business on which a nation's energy security depends on. The exploration and production of hydrocarbon is a very precise and time bound process. The striking rate of hydrocarbon in a drilled well is so uncertain that the success rate is only 31% in 2021 as per rig zone. Huge cost is involved in drilling as well as production of hydrocarbon from a well. Due to this very reason, no one can effort to lose a well because of faulty machines which increases the Non-Productive Time (NPT). Numerous activities that include manpower and machines synchronized together works in a precise way to complete the full cycle of exploration, rig movement, drilling and production of crude oil. There are several machines both fixed and mobile are used in the complete cycle. Most of these machines have tight schedule of work operating in various drilling sites that are simultaneously being drilled providing a very narrow window for maintenance. Shutdown of any of these machines for even a small period of time delays the whole project and increases the cost of production of hydrocarbon by manifolds. Furthermore, these machines are custom designed exclusively for oil field operations to be only used in Mining Exploration Licensed area (MEL) earmarked by government and are imported and very costly in nature. The cost of some of these mobile units like Well Logging Unit, Coil Tubing units, Nitrogen pumping units etc. that are used for Well stimulation and activation process exceeds more than 1 million USD per unit. So the increase of self-life of these units also generates huge revenues during the extended duration of their services.

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