Fortschritte im Automobilbau

Fortschritte im Automobilbau
Offener Zugang

ISSN: 2167-7670


Application of Semi Reverse Innovative Design Method to Produce Miniature Educational Objects about Endemic Indonesian Animals

Anggoro PW, Widianto A and Yuniarto T

Reverse Inovative Design developed by Xiuzi Ye aimed to innovate product based on CAD/CAM/CAE quickly, efficiently, and electively. This paper will implement Semi RID on Indonesian endemic animal toys design process (Javan Rhinoceros). This paper will change Reverse Inovative Design to Semi Reverse Inovative Design because limitation of Production Process Laboratorium Yogyakarta Atma Jaya University CAE infrastructure. Reverse Engineering on this paper start with scanning product with Handy SCAN 700, then redesign process with PowerShape 2015 (transforming mesh file black African rhinoceros into javan rhinocesors surfaces then transforming surface into solid feature), and use ArtCAM 2013 to make skin texture. Revise Engineering process ends with make prototype with 3D printer Objet 30Pro. Creative method used to obtain 3d model toy educational rhinoceros which is wanted by Kolektor Mainan Solo (KMS). Semi RID method has success make a design and prototype of Javan Rhinocesros with specification easy to assemble (20 part), dimension 135mm x 42mm x 62mm, and save for child (8-10 years old). This is indicate that the RID concept based on CAD/CAM have been able to developt by TI-UAJY. The result of verification indicate very enthusiastic with the idea that be implemented by writer about using Semi RID to make prototype Indonesian endemic animal education toys.

Haftungsausschluss: Diese Zusammenfassung wurde mithilfe von Tools der künstlichen Intelligenz übersetzt und wurde noch nicht überprüft oder verifiziert.