Journal of Glycomics & Lipidomics

Journal of Glycomics & Lipidomics
Offener Zugang

ISSN: 2153-0637


Evaluating the Effects of Prescription Fish Oil, Supplemental Fish Oil and a Krill Oil Blend on Serum Lipids/Lipoproteins and the Omega-3 Index: A Pilot Study

BackesJM, Ruisinger JF, HarrisKA, Gibson CA, Harris WS and Moriarty PM

Numerous preparations containing eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are commercially available. We examined changes in serum lipids/lipoproteins and the omega-3 index with various EPA/DHA formulations. Dyslipidemic subjects (N=10/arm) were randomized to daily doses of prescription fish oil (3360 mg EPA+DHA), supplemental fish oil (3340 mg EPA+DHA) or a krill oil blend (960 mg EPA+DHA); in a 6-week, open-label trial. The fish oil preparations produced significant (p<0.05) and comparable reductions in triglycerides (∼-25%); whereas the krill oil blend (KOB) resulted in a modest increase. Other lipoprotein changes were similar across treatments. The fish oil products each produced similar elevations in the omega-3 index, and more than the KOB, although all agents produced significant changes from baseline. When evaluated per gram of EPA+DHA dosed, the KOB increased the omega-3 index 2-fold more than the fish oil groups.Overall, the fish oil preparations provided comparable and favorable changes in triglycerides and the omega-3 index, which were significantly greater than those observed with the KOB.
