Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaften und öffentliche Angelegenheiten

Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaften und öffentliche Angelegenheiten
Offener Zugang

ISSN: 2332-0761


Wahrnehmung der elektronischen Stimmabgabe – Allheilmittel zur Lösung wahllogistischer Herausforderungen in Nigeria

Olusegun Adepoju Onifade

The logistics planning and control is very crucial for electoral system of any country. Failure arising from uncoordinated or planned electoral logistics system can result into loss of finance and lack of credible election. The Nigeria’s electoral system has been said to have entered into fourth republic from independence of the country. Before independence, Electoral Commission of Nigeria (ECN) was established to conduct 1959 election and between 1960 and 1965; Federal Electoral Commission (FEC) was established to conduct elections in Nigeria post-Independence. The military coup of 1966 led to the dissolution of (FEC). The second Republic was the transition from military to civilian president of between1979-1983.

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