Zeitschrift für Schilddrüsenerkrankungen und -therapie

Zeitschrift für Schilddrüsenerkrankungen und -therapie
Offener Zugang

ISSN: 2167-7948


Primäre Schilddrüsentuberkulose, intraoperative Diagnostik

Hector Prado Calleros, Migue Garcia De La Cruz, Monica Rodriguez Valero and Magdalena Reyes Castro

Background: A cytology diagnosis of a Hurthle cell lesion does not provide information regarding the presence or absence of thyroid cancer. The risk of malignancy in Hurthle cell lesions varies in the literature, ranging from 4% to 69%. Objectives of this study are to determine what percent of Hurthle cell lesions are found to be malignant on final pathology and to determine if there are demographics, risk factors, or ultrasound characteristics that will preoperatively help predict malignancy. Methods: A total of 99 consecutive patients had a cytology diagnosis of a Hurthle cell lesion. All fine needle aspirations were performed and interpreted at a single tertiary care referral hospital. Final surgical pathology as well as pre-operative variables including demographics, risk factors, and ultrasound characteristics were reviewed. Results: Eighteen of 50 (36%) patients had thyroid cancer on final surgical pathology. None of the pre-operative variables were significantly associated with the final histopathological diagnosis on univariate analysis. Conclusions: A thyroid lobectomy is an acceptable approach for the patient with a cytology diagnosed Hurthle cell lesion, proceeding with a completion thyroidectomy if cancer is seen on final surgical pathology.

Haftungsausschluss: Diese Zusammenfassung wurde mithilfe von Tools der künstlichen Intelligenz übersetzt und wurde noch nicht überprüft oder verifiziert.