Waldforschung: Offener Zugang

Waldforschung: Offener Zugang
Offener Zugang

ISSN: 2168-9776


Ordnung der Baumgesellschaften anhand von Diversitätsprofilen: eine Anwendung auf Kastanien-Niederwald

Walter Mattioli, Piermaria Corona, Lorenzo Fattorini, Sara Franceschi, Luigi Portoghesi und Caterina Pisani

The ecological and economical relevance of sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) has long been related to its widespread geographical distribution and multipurpose product potential. In Italy, chestnut management represents a paradigmatic example of the potential conflict between landowner targets and tree species diversity conservation. Distinctively, the relationships between silvicultural treatment and tree species diversity of chestnut coppices are here investigated by means of diversity profiles to assess tree diversity of six stands in Central Italy. The stands were purposively selected in such a way to be characterized by the same site conditions but with different silvicultural features (age, number of thinning). Plot sampling was performed across the stands and their tree diversity was compared and ordered by means of intrinsic diversity profiles estimated from the sample data. The achieved results suggest alternative suitable options for managing chestnut coppice stands in order to enhance tree biodiversity while maintaining timber production.

Haftungsausschluss: Diese Zusammenfassung wurde mithilfe von Tools der künstlichen Intelligenz übersetzt und wurde noch nicht überprüft oder verifiziert.