Medizinische und chirurgische Urologie

Medizinische und chirurgische Urologie
Offener Zugang

ISSN: 2168-9857


Urethrokutane Fistel nach transobturatorischer Bandoperation

Alev Esercan*, Tuncer Bahçeci

Transobturator tapes have demonstrated good outcomes for stress urinary incontinence treatment in women however a delayed urinary tract fistulation can develop after bladder or urethral injury. The purpose of this report was to draw attention to this rare occurrence. CASE: 49 year old woman had undergone transobturator tension free vaginal tape (TOT) operation ten days ago,presented to the emergency room complaining of left groin pain, walking disability and urinary complaint.Blood tests, MRI and CT demonstrated a liquid collection extending from the labia majora to the thigh muscles on the left-hand side that suggested the presence of an abscess.Mesh was removed from the incision line of TOT with urologist.In conclusion, thigh abscesses can occur secondary to unusual pelvic processes. Both urologists and surgeons should have a high index of suspicion when 48 diagnosing such unusual presentations.

Haftungsausschluss: Diese Zusammenfassung wurde mithilfe von Tools der künstlichen Intelligenz übersetzt und wurde noch nicht überprüft oder verifiziert.