Zeitschrift für Alkoholismus und Drogenabhängigkeit

Zeitschrift für Alkoholismus und Drogenabhängigkeit
Offener Zugang

ISSN: 2329-6488

Volumen 2, Ausgabe 4 (2014)

Kurze Kommunikation


Arthur Horton

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A Cross-sectional Study Examining Factors Associated with Youth Binge Drinking in the COMPASS Study: Year 1 Data

Alin C Herciu, Rachel E Laxer, Adam Cole and Scott T Leatherdale

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Treatment Process and Participant Characteristic Predictors of Substance Use Outcome in Mentorship for Addiction Problems (MAP)

Kathlene Tracy, Deborah Guzman and Mark Burton

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Thrombocytopenia, Liquor Use and Marijuana are Associated with Noninvasive Markers of Liver Fibrosis in People Living with HIV

Maria José Míguez-Burbano, Diego Bueno, Allan Rodriguez, Mayra E Vargas, Erika Richardson and John Lewis

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Enhanced Cue Reactivity to Cocaine Cues in Non-treatment Seeking Cocaine Smokers

Suchismita Ray, Catherine Hanson and Stephen Jose Hanson

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Alcohol, It’s Effect on Dental Structures and the Role of a Dentist.

Rachappa Mallikarjuna and Triveni Nalawade

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Addiction and Autism: A Remarkable Comorbidity?

Patricia JM van Wijngaarden-Cremers, Wim Van den Brink MD and Rutger Jan van der Gaag

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