Zeitschrift für genetische Syndrome und Gentherapie

Zeitschrift für genetische Syndrome und Gentherapie
Offener Zugang

ISSN: ISSN: 2157-7412

Volumen 4, Ausgabe 6 (2013)


Multiple Primary Urological Tumors in a Patient with Proportionate Dwarfism: A Case Report

Cantile M, Marra L, Striano S, Claudio L, Menna L, Botti G, Franco R and Marra L

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Chronic Bullous Disease or Linear IgA Dermatosis of Childhood -Revisited

Patsatsi A

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Genetic Counselling Referral Rates and Uptake of BRCA1 and BRCA2 Testing among Women Diagnosed with Serous Ovarian Cancer in a Tertiary Care Cancer Centre

Bell K, Scott M, Pond G, Piccinin C, Amer M, Elit L and Bordeleau L

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HPV6 Infection of an Infant's Penile Condyloma at the Urethral Meatus

Vageli DP, Doukas SG and Markou A

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First Detection of Hypercholesterolemia Causing ApoB-100 R3527Q Mutation in a Family in Greece

Chatzistefanidis D, Markoula S, Vartholomatos G, Milionis HJ, Miltiadous G, Georgiou I, Elisaf MS and Kyritsis AP

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Leukocyte Beta2-Integrins; Genes and Disease

MacPherson M, Lek HS, Morrison V and Fagerholm S

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