Klinische und experimentelle Kardiologie

Klinische und experimentelle Kardiologie
Offener Zugang

ISSN: 2155-9880

Volumen 14, Ausgabe 8 (2023)

Kurze Kommunikation

Misplacement of Pacemaker Leads: How to Avoid and how to Approach?

Akin Torun*, Almina Erdem

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Kurze Kommunikation

Misplacement of Pacemaker Leads: How to Avoid and how to Approach?

Akin Torun*, Almina Erdem

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Kleiner Rückblick

Mechanische Faktoren, die eine Herzschrittmacherimplantation nach transkatheteralem Aortenklappenersatz erforderlich machen

Daxin Zhou*, Yiming Qi, Shasha Chen, Shiqiang Hou, Junbo Ge

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Applications of Pulsed Field Ablation in Cardiac Electrophysiology

Camila Pinto

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Close Bipolar Electrogram in Congenital Heart Disease Diagnosis

Hisato Tyagi

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The Effects of Excessive Alcohol Consumption on Cardiomyopathy

Zakwani Rajiah

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Electrocardiographic Changes in Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy

Sun Jennifer*

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Kurze Kommunikation

Geplatztes Sinus-Valsalvae-Aneurysma mit schwerer Aorteninsuffizienz: Kann ein Gerät das Rätsel lösen?

Vishnu Kesavan1*, Dhiraj Kumar2, Charan P Lanjewar2

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Applications of Pulsed Field Ablation in Cardiac Electrophysiology

Camila Pinto

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Close Bipolar Electrogram in Congenital Heart Disease Diagnosis

Hisato Tyagi

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The Effects of Excessive Alcohol Consumption on Cardiomyopathy

Zakwani Rajiah

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Electrocardiographic Changes in Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy

Sun Jennifer*

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Improve the Awareness of Pulmonary Vascular Disease Associated with Liver Disease

Niuniu Li , Gaolin Liu , Hong Gao

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Commentary on Rheumatism as a Cause of Cardiac Hemangioma

Ting Xie1, Xuan Chen2*

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Improve the Awareness of Pulmonary Vascular Disease Associated with Liver Disease

Niuniu Li , Gaolin Liu , Hong Gao

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Commentary on Rheumatism as a Cause of Cardiac Hemangioma

Ting Xie1, Xuan Chen2*

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