Fortgeschrittene Techniken in Biologie und Medizin

Fortgeschrittene Techniken in Biologie und Medizin
Offener Zugang

ISSN: 2379-1764

Volumen 1, Ausgabe 1 (2013)


Oncolytic Viruses As Therapeutic Agents For Prostate Cancer

Maryam Ahmed

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Kurze Kommunikation

Towards Performing Internal Quality-Control (IQC) Parameters in Clinical Laboratory

Mohammad Najafi

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New Insights into Individualized Antimetastatic Therapy

Da-Yong Lu, Ting-Ren Lu and Hong-Ying Wu

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Brief an den Herausgeber

Phytochemical Study: Antioxidant Activity of Euphorbia resinifera L.

Bounoua Nadia and Houcine Benmahdi

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Agroinfiltration as an Effective and Scalable Strategy of Gene Delivery for Production of Pharmaceutical Proteins

Qiang Chen, Huafang Lai, Jonathan Hurtado,

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Conserved HIV Wide Spectrum Antipeptides-A Hope for HIV Treatment

Balaji S Rao, Krishna Kant Gupta, Suchitra Kumari, Ankit Gupta and K Pujitha

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