Zeitschrift für klinische und zelluläre Immunologie

Zeitschrift für klinische und zelluläre Immunologie
Offener Zugang

ISSN: 2155-9899

Volumen 5, Ausgabe 5 (2014)


The Peripheral Lymphatics as an Active Player in the Immune Response

David G Hancock, Tessa M Potezny, Patrick M White

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Immunity and Gastrointestinal Disease: A Role for Lymphatic Vessels

Ryan Mathias, Pierre-Yves von der Weid

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Quantitative Analysis of Liposomal Heat Shock Protein 70 (Hsp70) in the Blood of Tumor Patients Using a Novel LipHsp70 ELISA

Stephanie Breuninger, Janina Erl, Clemens Knape, Sophie Gunther, Ivonne Regel, Franz Rödel, Udo S Gaipl, Jun Thorsteinsdottir, Lydia Giannitrapani, Anne M Dickinson and Gabriele Multhoff

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Host Genetic Factors and Dendritic Cell Responses Associated with the Outcome of Interferon/Ribavirin Treatment in HIV-1/HCV Co-Infected Individuals

Mohit Sehgal, Marija Zeremski, Andrew H. Talal, Zafar K. Khan, Renold Capocasale, Ramila Philip and Pooja Jain

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Ordered Chaos: Harnessing Developmental Pathways in Tumor-Induced Lymphangiogenesis

Francois M, Shayan R and Karnezis T

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Pediatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) As an Onset of Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID): The Double Link between Immunodeficiency and Autoimmunity

Dimitri Poddighe, Fabio Pagella, Amelia Licari and Gian Luigi Marseglia

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Schnitzler's Syndrome in the Absence of a Monoclonal Gammopathy: A Report of Two Cases

Heather S Gladue, David A Fox, Lori Lowe and J Michelle Kahlenberg

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Anti-Mutated Citrullinated Vimentin (Anti-MCV) Antibodies as a Diagnostic Aid for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Khaled S Osman, Lamiaa H Aly, Ahmed A Saedii, Huda T Abbas and Hana A Sadek

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Lipid Biology and Lymphatic Function: A Dynamic Interplay with Important Physiological and Pathological Consequences

Lim Hwee Ying, Yeo Kim Pin and Angeli Veronique

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Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase as A Prognostic Factor in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Takeshi Hanagiri, Misako Fukumoto, Yukiko Koyanagi, Yukari Furutani and Fumihiro Tanaka

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Tyrosine Kinase Inhibition Regulates Early Systemic Immune Changes and Modulates the Neuroimmune Response in α-Synucleinopathy

Michaeline L. Hebron, Irina Lonskaya, Paul Olopade, Sandra T. Selby, Fernando Pagan and Charbel E-H Moussa

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Lymphatic Regulation of Cellular Trafficking

David G. Jackson

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MUC18 Differentially Regulates Pro-Inflammatory and Anti-Viral Responses in Human Airway Epithelial Cells

Reena Berman, Chunjian Huang, Di Jiang, James H. Finigan, Qun Wu and Hong Wei Chu

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Corneal Lymphatics: Role in Ocular Inflammation as Inducer and Responder of Adaptive Immunity

Sunil K. Chauhan, Thomas H. Dohlman and Reza Dana

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